Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Jacksonville Maplist Launched

Jacksonville, Florida, USA Maplist has just launched.

Please feel free to join us. Free mapped classifieds and business ads for Jacksonville: http://jacksonville.maplist.org

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nashville Maplist Launched

Nashville, Tennessee, USA Maplist has just launched.

Please feel free to join us. Free mapped classifieds and business ads for Nashville: http://nashville.maplist.org.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Austin Maplist Launched

Austin, Texas, USA has just launched.

Please feel free to join us. Free mapped classifieds and business ads for Austin Area: http://austin.maplist.org

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Effect of PageRank in crawling your sites by google crawlers

From the backup blog:

Almost everybody knows PageRank plays a great role in determining your site’s position in google’s large webpage database, but less people have noticed that PageRank also determine how many pages or how fast the crawlers from google will index your pages.

Here is my own experience from MapList.Org. About a month ago, when maplist has a PageRank of 3 and some of the local sites, for example http://toronto.maplist.org, have 3 too, Google indexed about 400,000 pages.

Then, due to some reason, the PageRank dropped to 2 and now the pages for MapList in Google’s database has dropped to 40,000 and the number is still decreasing.

As for how to increase your PageRank, everybody has his own answer, but one of the most important one is to improve your site quality and so that more natural links will appear for your site.